Monday, May 28, 2012


        This past week a phone conference was held between MERC, Macomb Community College, the MEA and AAFMCC representatives. It was determined by MERC that their are sufficient signatures to initiate a representation election.

        On June 15, 2012 ballots will be mailed by the Michigan Employment Relations Commission(MERC) to all Adjunct Faculty Eligible to vote by MERC rules. All ballots must be returned to MERC by July 11 as they will be counted on July 12 at MERC and the results will be report.

         Your choices on the ballot will be to stay with MCAFA (MEA), neither (have no union) or our new union AAFMCC. Remember it has taken those involved many hours, many long conversations and courage to bring this to a vote so lets make it count.

         We will send out further information as the sample ballot becomes available so keep returning for updates and watch your mail box over the next two weeks.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dear Faculty,

   MERC has recieved our petition and is in the process of proceding with the scheduling of a meeting between the parties involved. Updates will follow as the process moves forward. When a determination is reached you will be notified.

Please find updates posted here