Sunday, October 21, 2012

Proposed By Laws

Dear Members,

   For your convenience you may view the by laws by clicking on the attached link below:


Please view and bring your questions to the General Membership meeting.


Saturday, October 13, 2012


     We have recieved almost all of the forms back with very few issues regarding them - use your badge ID ONLY please.

    FORMS: Please get them in to avoid a lump sum deduction, which will happen if the union does not have your form in soon.  You may obtain a copy of the form here at this link below:


     We are anticipating these deducitons to commence as soon as the next payroll run on or about Oct 18th.  With your forms in your 1.8% dues will be spread out over the remaining pay periods.

    Collective bargaining agreement:  We anticipate a new contract for discussion and ratification shortly.

Remeber the General Membership Meeting is on October 28,2012 at South Campus S-bldg-101.
   We have kept our promise to reduce dues 20% !!!

Talk from around the water cooler..
    New evaluation process is heating up at MCC details will come once the contract is settled. There has been an increase in complaints filed to the union regarding a number of issues including but not limited to harassment, seniority issues, course assignments and dismissal from employment. These are all good reasons to send in your form and check the member box so you have avenues to settle your  issues.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October update

Signatures required!

***Adjunct Teachers who have a Datatel I.D. Number may use that number instead of their S.S. Number if that makes them more comfortable. The Datatel I.D. Number should be available on the back of your college I.D. badge.****

     The executive board is mailing the membership at large a new membership form.  In order to process the reduced dues structure for the fall 2012 semester your immediate response is necessary.
The executive board is trying to avoid dues being deducted as a one-time payment, so respond as soon as you receive a membership form in the mail by using the enclosed envelope and return it to the PO BOX - It must be mailed as there is no drop box. There is a chance that some members may be missed in the process. If you do not receive a form by ASAP  please go to the link on this page entitled Membership Form, print a copy and send it to the Aafmcc po box address on the blog.

General Membership Meeting Sunday October 28,2012
    Jeff Kass, V.P., will be sending an email time and location TBA. Agenda will follow.