Friday, May 10, 2013

Course Assignments

Dear Members,

  With the passage of the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) new load limits have been contractually agreed to. Please review the following as this information may be helpful to you

Load Limits
  • There has always been a 22 equated hour limit it is now 23 equated hours annually.
  • Previously the limit was not strictly enforced now it will be and this has always been at the discretion of the college.
  • Exceeding this limit may now trigger health care costs or a penalty to the college.
  • The new semster limit of 11.5 equated hours is a result of the AHCA.
  • Yes, the college can exceed the load limits at their discretion.
  • Yes, Section 4.5 allows the college to assign a 3rd course to an adjunct on the seniority list subject to availability and the annual load limit described in section 10.1 & 10.2.
  • The term Annual is referring to the Calendar year not the Academic year.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Dear Members,

    Please click the link to view the results from the Friday May 3, 2013 count.

The Yes votes were 316
The  No votes were 189

 Vote Results:

In Solidarity,

AAFMCC Executive Board