Monday, September 23, 2013


As many of you have already realized ours is not a traditional union.  We are not all located in one building, or even one location, or even one city.  We all work different hours at different locations.  Our residences are scattered all over the tri-county area and now, with the advent of on-line teaching, the country and even the world.  As a result communication with members is more difficult than ever but you can help.  When contacting the main union e-mail at please remember to include the following basic, but essential, information so the executive board can expedite the handling of your question/problem:

[1] your name and primary contact info;
[2] what subject(s) you teach, the campus and for how many years at MCC;
[3] the specific nature of your inquiry;
[4] the name of your immediate supervisor (if pertinent).

Finally, please restrict your primary inquiry to the pertinent facts only.  Please try to avoid long personal or political commentaries, however germane you may feel they are to your inquiry.

Following these simple rules will go a long way in helping the Executive Board respond effectively to your inquiry as soon as possible while avoiding, as much as possible, unnecessary and distracting e-mail and phone follow-ups.

In Solidarity,
AAFMCC Executive Board

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This is a reminder to adjuncts that in accordance with the AAFMCC Contract ALL MCC adjuncts need to declare their availability to teach for the 2014 Winter Term via webadvisor before September 23, 2013.  Questions regarding availability should be directed to your immediate supervisor.