Wednesday, June 20, 2012


  There have been over 300 page views of this Blog in the past few days

please take a minute to vote and send your ballot in. Below is the Notice from MERC.


Employment Relations Commission


P. A. 380 OF 1965

As Amended

An election by secret ballot will be conducted under the direction and supervision of the Michigan Employment
Relations Commission among the eligible voters described herein to determine the representative, if any, desired
by them for the purposes of collective bargaining with their employer.


The election will be by secret ballot. An agent of the Commission will mail a ballot to each eligible voter. The
voter will mark the ballot and mail the ballot back to MERC in accordance to the mail ballot instructions.


EMPLOYER: Macomb Community College (R12 E-036)

Those eligible to vote are:
All part time adjunct credit teachers employed by Macomb Community College during
Winter Term 2012 excluding administrators, supervisory personnel, anyone represented
by another labor organization at the College and all other employees.
who were employed during the Winter 2012 semester, including employees who did not work during said payroll
period because they were ill, or on vacation, or temporarily laid off, and employees in the military service of the
United States who appear in person at the polls, but excluding any employees who have, since the payroll period
eligibility date, quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or re-instated prior to the date of the
election, or who, because of other changes of work status, are no longer a part of the bargaining unit.

Any person who wants further information concerning the election should contact the Employment Relations

Commission (313-456-3510).

Ballots to be mailed to all eligible voters on June 15, 2012.
Ballots are to be returned to the Detroit MERC Office no later than 5:00 p.m., July 11, 2012.
Ballots are to be counted at the Detroit MERC Office on July 12, 2012 at 10:00 AM

The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs will not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, sex, religion, age,
national origin, color, marital status, handicap, or political beliefs.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dear Faculty,

The Q&A session today at the Shelby Library was a great success. The support of members who attended the meeting was very positive and upbeat. We are looking forward to a strong showing when the votes are counted on July 12.

     Please vote it is your opinion that matters.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Information meeting (This Saturday!)

        Ron Waxmonsky will be available this Saturday for a discuss any questions you may have regarding the vote and details of the new Adjunct Faculty union. Please feel free to meet him at:

Small Conference Room
Shelby Twp Library
51680 Van Dyke Ave.
Shelby Twp. Mi. 48316

In order to accomodate all members we would appreciate your cooperation by
utilizing the following schedule.

Faculty with last name A - L 1-1:30 pm
M-Z 1:30 - 2 pm

Protect your seniority
Protect your right to set your dues each year
Protect your right to choose your representation
Exercise your right to recall your union when it does not perform to your expectations

400 of your fellow Adjuncts can't be wrong.
Macomb Faculty,

There have been questions about by-laws and dues, health care etc. Here are a few pieces of information to help you.

July 12 MERC vote count
July 13 AAFMCC board will meet to discuss the new membership and local (agenda will be posted once the vote count is in)
July 14 Committee meeting to discuss MERC rules for new Local, elections are anticipated to take place toward the end of JULY 2012.

August 2012
          Membership will discuss/vote on new by-laws, reduced dues structure and all affairs of the new union local. All voting will be done by mailed ballot to all of those members on the seniority list.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Health Care Information

    Many adjunct faculty live without the basic necessity of health care coverage. Although, the AAFMCC will not pay for coverage we can provide you with a link to obtain coverage for yourself.
Rates and information are available if you require further information.

The New Faculty Majority

Health Carre Information


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Faculty,

     Recently you may have recieved an eroneous estimated budget which in our opinion inflates the operation costs of running our unit. This was sent in the mail to the Adjunct Faculty, please see past this as a desparate attempt to retain the dues revenue that we generate as a faculty.  Also, if you recieve any phone calls or messages ask if the person teaches at the college or if they are just advocating for one party or the other. Trust the decision of the approximately 400 plus Adjunct Faculty who made the decision to sign the MERC petition and give us the right to vote.

     Additionally, the MEA brochure described many benefits including health care. It is important for you to know that no health care benefit is planned to be offerred to the Adjunct Faculty this semester according to the MCAFA executive board at this time.
     Also, none of the MCAFA executive board was consulted regarding this budget and it's innacurracies. The MCAFA local has been run for several years on a $20,000 per year budget. If the move to seperate is supported we will have close to $160,000 to run our union more effectively.

      We are working hard supporting members with their decision regarding your choice of union representation and providing you with straight forward facts.

    You will be receiving a letter in the mail regarding our position with these matters.

     Ron Waxmonsky will be available this Saturday for a discuss any questions you may have regarding the vote and details of the new Adjunct Faculty union. Please feel free to meet him at:

Small Conference Room
Shelby Twp Library
51680 Van Dyke Ave.
Shelby Twp. Mi. 48316

In order to accomodate all members we would appreciate your cooperation by
utilizing the following schedule.

Faculty with last name A - L     1-1:30 pm
                                      M-Z      1:30 - 2 pm

Protect your seniority
Protect your right to set your dues each year
Protect your right to choose your representation
Exercise your right to recall your union when it does not perform to your expectations

400 of your fellow Adjuncts can't be wrong.