Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Faculty,

     Recently you may have recieved an eroneous estimated budget which in our opinion inflates the operation costs of running our unit. This was sent in the mail to the Adjunct Faculty, please see past this as a desparate attempt to retain the dues revenue that we generate as a faculty.  Also, if you recieve any phone calls or messages ask if the person teaches at the college or if they are just advocating for one party or the other. Trust the decision of the approximately 400 plus Adjunct Faculty who made the decision to sign the MERC petition and give us the right to vote.

     Additionally, the MEA brochure described many benefits including health care. It is important for you to know that no health care benefit is planned to be offerred to the Adjunct Faculty this semester according to the MCAFA executive board at this time.
     Also, none of the MCAFA executive board was consulted regarding this budget and it's innacurracies. The MCAFA local has been run for several years on a $20,000 per year budget. If the move to seperate is supported we will have close to $160,000 to run our union more effectively.

      We are working hard supporting members with their decision regarding your choice of union representation and providing you with straight forward facts.

    You will be receiving a letter in the mail regarding our position with these matters.

     Ron Waxmonsky will be available this Saturday for a discuss any questions you may have regarding the vote and details of the new Adjunct Faculty union. Please feel free to meet him at:

Small Conference Room
Shelby Twp Library
51680 Van Dyke Ave.
Shelby Twp. Mi. 48316

In order to accomodate all members we would appreciate your cooperation by
utilizing the following schedule.

Faculty with last name A - L     1-1:30 pm
                                      M-Z      1:30 - 2 pm

Protect your seniority
Protect your right to set your dues each year
Protect your right to choose your representation
Exercise your right to recall your union when it does not perform to your expectations

400 of your fellow Adjuncts can't be wrong.

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