Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Certified Election Results

Update Message To
Adjunct Faculty Members of Macomb Community College (MCC)

On behalf of many of you who were dissatisfied with our affiliation with the Michigan Education Association (MEA), I petitioned the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Employment Relations Commission (MERC) Labor Relation Division on May 10, 2012 for a representation election. We met the required number of signatures and the petition was granted. Eligible voters were all part-time adjunct credit teachers employed by MCC during the winter term 2012 excluding administrators, supervisory personnel, and anyone represented by another labor organization at the College and all other employees.

MERC mailed secret ballots to all eligible voters on June 15, 2012, which were to be returned by July 11, 2012. Ballots were counted at the Detroit MERC Office on July 12, 2012. The preliminary results of the election were as follows.
Michigan Education Association (MEA): 89
Neither: 39
Association of Adjunct Faculty of Macomb Community College (AAFMCC): 219
Spoiled Ballots: 20
Approximately 50% of the eligible voters voted.
   No further communication could be made regarding the election until MERC certified the election results.
   On July 23, 2012, The Association of Adjunct Faculty of Macomb Community College was certified as representative of the employees for purposes of collective bargaining.
   The local MCAFA officers will be closing out all unfinished business with the MEA during the next few weeks. In transition, I will be meeting with the officers of the MCAFA local and other adjunct faculty to prepare by-laws for AAFMCC, identify intermediate officers, and generally get our new union functioning.

Ronald Waxmonsky

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