Friday, November 30, 2012

Association Procedures

Dear Members,

In an effort to increase communication the AAFMCC started this blog last year. Since then we have had 4,000 visits to the site. In addition to the blog there is the college email system which you should visit at least three times per week if not daily from Monday-Friday. We would ask that if you did not receive an email regarding the ratification vote please send an email to be sure to include your first and last name and your new email address and phone number. This will allow us to keep you in the loop when important information must be conveyed quickly. We apologize for any inconvenience during the ratification process. In the future all adjunct faculty should know that they are welcome to the meeting it is important to note that only members in good standing have voting rights. Good standing means they have signed a form, are current on dues by the end of the semester, and elected for AAFMCC to represent them in matters regarding the contract.
Richard T. Filbey
AAFMCC President

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