Monday, April 22, 2013

Letter from other Local Presidents

Dear Members,

     We are not going to engage in mudslinging and personal attacks on the eve of your ballot arriving.

The right to vote is yours!  That is why the Executive Board has provided this opportunity.

     The were no secret meetings. Your Executive Board voted to bring this opportunity to you.

There are no large salaries, and we do not have high paid organizer. You approved our stipends and

that is it. We will need more members to join committees as we move forward. Dues will remain

at 1.8% and we will have the assistance of the AFT resources available just as the full-time Faculty

MCCFO utilize. We are unanimously recommending a yes vote.


Your Executive Board.

Letter from other Locals:

Other Local Dues

  UM-LEO: 1.6% WSU-UPTF- 1.85%, HFCC-AFO 1.75%,  
  EMUFT: 1.8%, AAFMCC 1.8%

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