Friday, July 19, 2013


Dear MCC Adjuncts:

The AAFMCC Board hopes all adjuncts and their families are having a fun and safe summer.  We want to take this opportunity to bring you up to date on a few union matters. 

With the recent vote to affiliate with the American Federation of Teachers the AAFMCC now comprise Local 6533 of the AFT/MFT.  This fall we should be voting on the new constitution and by-laws for the new AAFMCC/AFT union.  We will keep you posted as the date approaches.

We are working with the AFT to put together an AAFMCC/AFT website.  We hope to have it up and running during the fall term.  On it you will be able to find things like officer names and contact info, the contract, the by-laws and constitution (once ratified) as well as lots of other useful information.  Meanwhile this blog will remain in operation at least until the end of the year while the transition to the new website takes place.

As we all know the fall term is right around the corner.  As the scramble for fall courses will soon be underway we want to remind all members how important it is to remain in contact with their Associate Deans to make sure the terms of the contract regarding “selection of teachers” (section 4.2) and “load limits” (section 10) are being followed as there were some recent changes to these portions of the agreement. 
In the end administrators and instructors alike all want the same thing - to have the best and most experienced instructors covering as many courses as possible. 
We want to wish you all a fulfilling and productive term.  Only together can we make this union work.

AAFMCC Executive Board

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