Saturday, October 5, 2013


Periodically we like to remind our members how to communicate with their union.  Since we currently do not have an office or other central location the Executive Board understands that it is sometimes difficult to know who exactly to contact with their questions and concerns.
The main union e-mail is*  When e-mailing the union remember some of these basic pieces of information so we can expedite your request whether it’s just a general question or something more serious like a possible grievance matter.  Please include the following:
[1] your name and primary contact info;

[2] the subject(s) you teach, which campus and for how many years at MCC;
[3] the specific nature of your inquiry;

[4] the name of your immediate supervisor (if pertinent).

[5] Please type a specific subject in the subject line (for example if a possible grievance put “grievance inquiry”, for Tuition Reimbursement Program put “TRP”, for questions about dues put “dues inquiry”, or for general information just put “general inquiry”).

It also helps if you direct your inquiry to specific members of the EB:
[1] Grievance Inquiries may be addressed to our Grievance Officer and Secretary, Jodi Monday.

[2] General Inquiries and Tuition Reimbursement questions may be addressed to the VP and Communications Officer, Jeff Kass.
[3] Questions about Dues may be addressed to the Treasurer, Hossein Azarbayejani.

[4] All Other inquiries may be addressed to the President, Rick Filbey.

While e-mail is the best form of contact because it creates a permanent, detailed information trail, members can also call our temporary phone number at 586-350-8576.  We hope to have a permanent number in place by the end of the year.  We also have a blog where members can retrieve info and get weekly/semi-weekly updates on union business.  Members may visit it at   We are also in the process of building our new AAFMCC/AFT website and hope to have it up and running by the end of the year.  Hard copies of important information like Membership Forms* and TRP Forms should be mailed to the AAFMCC address at:
P.O. Box 183017
Shelby Twp.,  MI  48317
*Remember ALL adjuncts at MCC are required to fill out a membership form whether they declare themselves full members or agency fee payers.  Those who have not filled out forms may be receiving one in the mail soon or they can request one by e-mailing the union at and then mailing it to the address listed above.

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