Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We will be updating you shortly after our debriefing meetings regarding the new legislation. We are anticipating no effect from the Right to work legislation until after our contract expires in 2016. Much can and will happen before then. Meanwhile, keep an eye on the blog for further updates.


Friday, November 30, 2012

AAFMCC Contract

For contract viewing please click the link below and follow theinstructions. Call the helpdesk at the college for Intranet issues, the union does not handle the Intranet.


Association Procedures

Dear Members,

In an effort to increase communication the AAFMCC started this blog last year. Since then we have had 4,000 visits to the site. In addition to the blog there is the college email system which you should visit at least three times per week if not daily from Monday-Friday. We would ask that if you did not receive an email regarding the ratification vote please send an email to be sure to include your first and last name and your new email address and phone number. This will allow us to keep you in the loop when important information must be conveyed quickly. We apologize for any inconvenience during the ratification process. In the future all adjunct faculty should know that they are welcome to the meeting it is important to note that only members in good standing have voting rights. Good standing means they have signed a form, are current on dues by the end of the semester, and elected for AAFMCC to represent them in matters regarding the contract.
Richard T. Filbey
AAFMCC President

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Message from the President

Dear AAFMCC members,

     I would like to express my appreciation for your support and patience during the past 12 months of transition. We now have our new contract which takes us through August of 2016. Knowing the certainty of our pay and the fact that we will not be perpetually bargaining, leaves us with much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Contract Ratified

On Tuesday night the Macomb Community College Board voted in favor of the contract. The contract will be posted on the Blog shortly.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Ratification update

The AAFMCC had a special ratification meeting on this past Sunday to vote on the  new contract. The result was overwhelmingly in support of the new contract which will now go before the MCC  board for adoption Tuesday Nov. 20,12.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Member to do list

Please keep a watchful eye on your college email as additional assignments, cancellations and other assignment issues are communicated.

Membership election forms:

   1. Membership forms:
    Please send your form in dues deductions will commence soon. The balance if any owing will be
    billed to you directly. We are processing all 1200 forms as fast as possible.

    2.The Contract:
     Will be available Thursday after 5pm subject to AAFMCC recieving it on Wednesday. Please    
     review it for the ratification meeting this Sunday S-101 (South Campus) Nov 18 1-3pm.

Contract Draft (click here):
    3. ORS pension & health care elections
    Please visit the ORS website and complete your elections if you have not done so already.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Adjunct Faculty NISOD/Service Award Reception

This years 2012 NISOD awards were presented at the annual Adjunct Faculty Service Award reception held last night at the Lorenzo Cultural Center.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Ratification Meeting & Vote

AAFMCC Members,

  The AAFMCC executive board is recommending a YES vote in support of the new 4 year contract.


11/12 to 11/14  MCC updating contract revisions.
11/14 MCC submits revision to AAFMCC for review and siging
11/15 AAFMCC posts contract link to this Blog.
11/15 thru  Sunday am 11/18 AAFMCC membership review of language (online)
11/15 Ratification vote on campus (see info. below regarding room number)

***Sunday November 18 S-101 lecture hall 1pm - 3pm***  ROOM CONFIRMED 11/12/12

There will be a meeting to discuss the new contract details and changes. A brief summary of the
financial portion of the contract is below:

Upon Ratification:

One time-Signing bonus to all adjuncts who teach this academic year
according to the following schedule (some adjuncts like myself who have not taught at least 100 acrued hours will not recieve the signing bonus)

$100 if you have taught 100 or more hours at the college
$200 if you have taught 200 or more hours at the college
$300 if you have taught 300 or more hours at the college

On Schedule Raises will be paid according to the following schedule:

Jan 2013-Aug 2013 (all steps 1%)
Aug 2013- Aug 2014 ( all steps 1%)
Aug 2014- Aug 2015 ( all steps 1%)
Aug 2015- Aug 2016 ( all steps 1%)

This 4 year contract includes some language for probationary teachers and evaluation, course

assignments, professional leave, reassignment for class cancellations, tuition fund, removal

of special language in tech area and other items. This is a Ratification meeting only any other

 issues will not be open for discussion on the floor.  There will be a short announcement

regarding the Election and Bylaw revisions.

                     Language will be posted no earlier than Thursday November 15,2012.)

 You may come and vote immediately and/or stay for the discussion as well.

Please check the blog for updates.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


The AAFMCC bargaining team is pleased to announce a that a tentative aggreement has been reached, the details of this aggreement will be posted in the next few days. There are a number
of changes which you should review prior to attending the ratification meeting which shall be
announced via general macomb email shortly. The purpose of the ratification meeting is not to debate what was bargained but to clarrify and explain what is in the proposed new contract. Your choice will be to vote YES to accept the contract or NO to reject it.

AAFMCC Bargaining Team


Friday, November 2, 2012

!!!!! ORS UPDATE !!!!

Preretirement Information Meeting Macomb ISD 11-7-12
ORS email masthead
November 1, 2012
Please share this message with your co-workers.
Upcoming Macomb ISD – Clinton Township Preretirement Meeting
· Who -Michigan Public School employees
· What -Find out everything you need to know about planning for your retirement at this upcoming event. An Office of Retirement Services representative will also be available to answer your questions. Register today!!! Don’t wait. Plan!
· When -Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 5:30PM EST
· Where -Macomb ISD (Central Training Rooms)
44001 Garfield Rd
Clinton Township, MI 48038
Click onRegister Now
Can’t Attend the Meeting????
State of Michigan | Department of Technology, Management & Budget | Office of Retirement Services
P.O. Box 30171 | Lansing, MI 48909-7671 |

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Update


The AAFMCC will be emailing a nomination form for the upcoming elections to be held in November of this year. Details to follow.


Bargaining continues, we anticipate the contract negotiations to be completed soon.

Teaching Issues:

Make sure you have declared your course availability for the Winter semester.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Proposed By Laws

Dear Members,

   For your convenience you may view the by laws by clicking on the attached link below:


Please view and bring your questions to the General Membership meeting.


Saturday, October 13, 2012


     We have recieved almost all of the forms back with very few issues regarding them - use your badge ID ONLY please.

    FORMS: Please get them in to avoid a lump sum deduction, which will happen if the union does not have your form in soon.  You may obtain a copy of the form here at this link below:


     We are anticipating these deducitons to commence as soon as the next payroll run on or about Oct 18th.  With your forms in your 1.8% dues will be spread out over the remaining pay periods.

    Collective bargaining agreement:  We anticipate a new contract for discussion and ratification shortly.

Remeber the General Membership Meeting is on October 28,2012 at South Campus S-bldg-101.
   We have kept our promise to reduce dues 20% !!!

Talk from around the water cooler..
    New evaluation process is heating up at MCC details will come once the contract is settled. There has been an increase in complaints filed to the union regarding a number of issues including but not limited to harassment, seniority issues, course assignments and dismissal from employment. These are all good reasons to send in your form and check the member box so you have avenues to settle your  issues.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October update

Signatures required!

***Adjunct Teachers who have a Datatel I.D. Number may use that number instead of their S.S. Number if that makes them more comfortable. The Datatel I.D. Number should be available on the back of your college I.D. badge.****

     The executive board is mailing the membership at large a new membership form.  In order to process the reduced dues structure for the fall 2012 semester your immediate response is necessary.
The executive board is trying to avoid dues being deducted as a one-time payment, so respond as soon as you receive a membership form in the mail by using the enclosed envelope and return it to the PO BOX - It must be mailed as there is no drop box. There is a chance that some members may be missed in the process. If you do not receive a form by ASAP  please go to the link on this page entitled Membership Form, print a copy and send it to the Aafmcc po box address on the blog.

General Membership Meeting Sunday October 28,2012
    Jeff Kass, V.P., will be sending an email time and location TBA. Agenda will follow.

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 2012 Update


ORS office & your retirement  (It  takes 7days to get your ID # so please hurry!)

Please visit the ORS office of retirement services to review your state pension options The deadline is in October. This is your responsibility to keep up to date on your pension credited service years and recent legislative changes that require your IMMEDIATE action.

I am please to announce that Ron Waxmonsky will be leading our bargainning team. Sessions are being scheduled for September and October. Look for more communication regarding any developments as the transpire.

Richard Filbey will be the contact for handling all employee relations issues with the college.

Jeff Kass will continue in his advisory role as VP and will be in charge of communications.

Hossein Azerbajani will continue in his function as treasurer.

      If your staus on the college list recently changed or if you are a new hire as of this fall 2012 you will recieve a form or by clicking on the AAFMCC link below. Yes the Social Sec # is required.

AAFMCC membership form :

Once you fill it out please mail it back to:
P.O. Box 183017
Shelby Twp. Mi. 48317

FALL 2012 Dues

      As your President I am sensitive to the needs of the members who have complained in the past about dues being to high. As a result we examined the dues and by eliminating PAC(political action funding) as well as a restructuring of how dues are deducted (now a straight percentage) we have delivered on our promise to reduce the dues burden on members.

     Therefore, the executive board upon my recommendation has established the Fall 2012 dues to be 1.8% of pay. According to calculation of past dues by the treasurer, members were paying approximately 2.25% on average. This reduction represents a full 20% reduction in dues from the past school year.

Adjuncts and the Press: NFM WEBINAR - Sept 24
If you have not already signed up visit the website and become a member of this independent higher education organization. Earlier this summer I turned some of our members onto this group whereby they offer health care if you need it.

Monday, July 30, 2012


    The former MCAFA executive board will continue in their current roles until an election is scheduled. These appointments were accepted at the recent executive board meeting.

President            Richard Filbey
Vice President   Jeff Kass
Treasurer           Hossein Azerbajani
Secretary           Jodi Monday
Membership Chair Ron Waxmonsky

Building Reps   to be announced

     The AAFMCC will be meeting with the college regarding the contract over the next few weeks. As information becomes available updates will be posted.

AAFMCC executive board

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Course of Action

Dear Members,

    In the immediate weeks to follow, an interim executive board will be appointed to oversee the
transition to the new union. This will include adopting by-laws, bargainning and other necessary functions. We appreciate your support and look forward to assisting the membership as we move forward.

   Please check back for updates, meeting schedules and further information.



Dear Members,

     Some of you may have unfinnished business from this past semester which requires immediate attention. We will be contacting you for updates and status on your situation to identify what action if any will take place next. If you are in this situation please have all of your documentation available so that we may expedite processing your situation.



Certified Election Results

Update Message To
Adjunct Faculty Members of Macomb Community College (MCC)

On behalf of many of you who were dissatisfied with our affiliation with the Michigan Education Association (MEA), I petitioned the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Employment Relations Commission (MERC) Labor Relation Division on May 10, 2012 for a representation election. We met the required number of signatures and the petition was granted. Eligible voters were all part-time adjunct credit teachers employed by MCC during the winter term 2012 excluding administrators, supervisory personnel, and anyone represented by another labor organization at the College and all other employees.

MERC mailed secret ballots to all eligible voters on June 15, 2012, which were to be returned by July 11, 2012. Ballots were counted at the Detroit MERC Office on July 12, 2012. The preliminary results of the election were as follows.
Michigan Education Association (MEA): 89
Neither: 39
Association of Adjunct Faculty of Macomb Community College (AAFMCC): 219
Spoiled Ballots: 20
Approximately 50% of the eligible voters voted.
   No further communication could be made regarding the election until MERC certified the election results.
   On July 23, 2012, The Association of Adjunct Faculty of Macomb Community College was certified as representative of the employees for purposes of collective bargaining.
   The local MCAFA officers will be closing out all unfinished business with the MEA during the next few weeks. In transition, I will be meeting with the officers of the MCAFA local and other adjunct faculty to prepare by-laws for AAFMCC, identify intermediate officers, and generally get our new union functioning.

Ronald Waxmonsky

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dear Adjunct Faculty

Remember your ballot must be recieved at MERC on the 11th of JULY (tomorrow) so if you have not voted please be a part of the process. We will post an announcement at the end of the day this Thursday July 12,2012 with the results.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


  There have been over 300 page views of this Blog in the past few days

please take a minute to vote and send your ballot in. Below is the Notice from MERC.


Employment Relations Commission


P. A. 380 OF 1965

As Amended

An election by secret ballot will be conducted under the direction and supervision of the Michigan Employment
Relations Commission among the eligible voters described herein to determine the representative, if any, desired
by them for the purposes of collective bargaining with their employer.


The election will be by secret ballot. An agent of the Commission will mail a ballot to each eligible voter. The
voter will mark the ballot and mail the ballot back to MERC in accordance to the mail ballot instructions.


EMPLOYER: Macomb Community College (R12 E-036)

Those eligible to vote are:
All part time adjunct credit teachers employed by Macomb Community College during
Winter Term 2012 excluding administrators, supervisory personnel, anyone represented
by another labor organization at the College and all other employees.
who were employed during the Winter 2012 semester, including employees who did not work during said payroll
period because they were ill, or on vacation, or temporarily laid off, and employees in the military service of the
United States who appear in person at the polls, but excluding any employees who have, since the payroll period
eligibility date, quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or re-instated prior to the date of the
election, or who, because of other changes of work status, are no longer a part of the bargaining unit.

Any person who wants further information concerning the election should contact the Employment Relations

Commission (313-456-3510).

Ballots to be mailed to all eligible voters on June 15, 2012.
Ballots are to be returned to the Detroit MERC Office no later than 5:00 p.m., July 11, 2012.
Ballots are to be counted at the Detroit MERC Office on July 12, 2012 at 10:00 AM

The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs will not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, sex, religion, age,
national origin, color, marital status, handicap, or political beliefs.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dear Faculty,

The Q&A session today at the Shelby Library was a great success. The support of members who attended the meeting was very positive and upbeat. We are looking forward to a strong showing when the votes are counted on July 12.

     Please vote it is your opinion that matters.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Information meeting (This Saturday!)

        Ron Waxmonsky will be available this Saturday for a discuss any questions you may have regarding the vote and details of the new Adjunct Faculty union. Please feel free to meet him at:

Small Conference Room
Shelby Twp Library
51680 Van Dyke Ave.
Shelby Twp. Mi. 48316

In order to accomodate all members we would appreciate your cooperation by
utilizing the following schedule.

Faculty with last name A - L 1-1:30 pm
M-Z 1:30 - 2 pm

Protect your seniority
Protect your right to set your dues each year
Protect your right to choose your representation
Exercise your right to recall your union when it does not perform to your expectations

400 of your fellow Adjuncts can't be wrong.
Macomb Faculty,

There have been questions about by-laws and dues, health care etc. Here are a few pieces of information to help you.

July 12 MERC vote count
July 13 AAFMCC board will meet to discuss the new membership and local (agenda will be posted once the vote count is in)
July 14 Committee meeting to discuss MERC rules for new Local, elections are anticipated to take place toward the end of JULY 2012.

August 2012
          Membership will discuss/vote on new by-laws, reduced dues structure and all affairs of the new union local. All voting will be done by mailed ballot to all of those members on the seniority list.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Health Care Information

    Many adjunct faculty live without the basic necessity of health care coverage. Although, the AAFMCC will not pay for coverage we can provide you with a link to obtain coverage for yourself.
Rates and information are available if you require further information.

The New Faculty Majority

Health Carre Information


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Faculty,

     Recently you may have recieved an eroneous estimated budget which in our opinion inflates the operation costs of running our unit. This was sent in the mail to the Adjunct Faculty, please see past this as a desparate attempt to retain the dues revenue that we generate as a faculty.  Also, if you recieve any phone calls or messages ask if the person teaches at the college or if they are just advocating for one party or the other. Trust the decision of the approximately 400 plus Adjunct Faculty who made the decision to sign the MERC petition and give us the right to vote.

     Additionally, the MEA brochure described many benefits including health care. It is important for you to know that no health care benefit is planned to be offerred to the Adjunct Faculty this semester according to the MCAFA executive board at this time.
     Also, none of the MCAFA executive board was consulted regarding this budget and it's innacurracies. The MCAFA local has been run for several years on a $20,000 per year budget. If the move to seperate is supported we will have close to $160,000 to run our union more effectively.

      We are working hard supporting members with their decision regarding your choice of union representation and providing you with straight forward facts.

    You will be receiving a letter in the mail regarding our position with these matters.

     Ron Waxmonsky will be available this Saturday for a discuss any questions you may have regarding the vote and details of the new Adjunct Faculty union. Please feel free to meet him at:

Small Conference Room
Shelby Twp Library
51680 Van Dyke Ave.
Shelby Twp. Mi. 48316

In order to accomodate all members we would appreciate your cooperation by
utilizing the following schedule.

Faculty with last name A - L     1-1:30 pm
                                      M-Z      1:30 - 2 pm

Protect your seniority
Protect your right to set your dues each year
Protect your right to choose your representation
Exercise your right to recall your union when it does not perform to your expectations

400 of your fellow Adjuncts can't be wrong.

Monday, May 28, 2012


        This past week a phone conference was held between MERC, Macomb Community College, the MEA and AAFMCC representatives. It was determined by MERC that their are sufficient signatures to initiate a representation election.

        On June 15, 2012 ballots will be mailed by the Michigan Employment Relations Commission(MERC) to all Adjunct Faculty Eligible to vote by MERC rules. All ballots must be returned to MERC by July 11 as they will be counted on July 12 at MERC and the results will be report.

         Your choices on the ballot will be to stay with MCAFA (MEA), neither (have no union) or our new union AAFMCC. Remember it has taken those involved many hours, many long conversations and courage to bring this to a vote so lets make it count.

         We will send out further information as the sample ballot becomes available so keep returning for updates and watch your mail box over the next two weeks.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dear Faculty,

   MERC has recieved our petition and is in the process of proceding with the scheduling of a meeting between the parties involved. Updates will follow as the process moves forward. When a determination is reached you will be notified.

Please find updates posted here